
Selasa, 20 November 2012

Datasheet IC 74xx Series

For students who take college Digital Techniques, here I attach a list of datasheet IC you need to use as a reference. Digital logic gates that must be mastered by the students are kind Gate And, Or, Not, Nand, Nor, Ex-Or and Ex-Nor. In addition to this gate IC IC also some that are widely used as engineering applications such as Digital Timer, ADC, DAC, Counter, Seven Segment, and the like. Hopefully this can make the Datasheet lectures Digital Engineering Practice getting better and quality ...

Gerbang AND (7408) Gerbang And.pdf.html
Gerbang OR (7432) Gerbang OR.pdf.html
Gerbang NOR (7402) Gerbang Nor.pdf.html
Gerbang Not (7404) Gerbang Not.pdf.html
Gerbang Nand (7400) Gerbang Nand.pdf.html
Timer 555
Datasheet Lainnya IC Lainnya.rar.html

Power Electronics circuit simulation with PSIM

Power Electronics is one of the subjects are quite difficult to study because the material abstract and requires a good understanding of circuit theory. One way to study materials Power Electronics is to create a simulation. Now for the business simulation, a lot of software that can be used, one of which is PSIM. In this tutorial we will discuss the simulation and controlled rectifier rectifier circuit with PSIM ...

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Electronic circuit simulation module with EWB

Electronic Workbench or known as EWB, is one of the software that is familiar to students of Electrical Engineering Department. This software helps the student learn enough electronics and digital electronics aalog either. In this post, we will discuss step by step step in making electronic circuit simulation.

Hopefully, this module can be used by the Department of Electrical Engineering student to understand more about the theory and practice of electronics.

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Module Proteus

Proteus is a software simulation of highly complex electronic circuit. Department of Electrical Engineering students now are required to master a variety of electronics engineering simulation software. Many software used to simulate electronic circuits such as EWB, Circuit Analysis, Multisim, and of course Proteus. With the ability and Proteus software makes it mandatory for students if you want to master the art electronics either analog, digital and microcontroller-based.

For those of you who want to learn Proteus, you can read these modules ranging from simple circuits and then continued in a more complex electronic circuits.

Download The module here


Subaru Lega Batal Bangun Pabrik di China

OTOSIA.COM - Gagal membangun pabrik di China, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. malah mengaku lega. Pasalnya, saham produsen mobil Subaru itu melonjak 83 persen di bursa Tokyo tahun ini. Kenaikan tersebut adalah yang tertinggi di Nikkei 225 Stock Average.

Presiden Direktur Fuji Heavy Industries Limited ,Yasuyuki Yoshinaga, seperti dilansir Bloomberg Senin (19/11), menjelaskan bahwa menjual mobil di China saat ini sulit. Untungnya Subaru bisa memperoleh kompensasi kerugian di China dengan memproduksi lebih banyak mobil di Jepang dan Amerika Serikat.
Sebelumnya, ketiga merek Jepang lainnya seperti Toyota, Honda dan Nissan, menghentikan produksinya di China mulai bulan lalu. Namun sebaliknya, Subaru justru berhasil mendongkrak pasokan ke Amerika Serikat dan Jepang.

Maklum, inden Subaru untuk BRZ sudah mencapai 6 bulan dan Impreza hatchback dua bulan. Alhasil, keuntungan perusahaan pun naik hingga 40 persen, sedangkan Honda dan Nissan turun 5 persen.
Yoshinaga mengaku kesabarannya pada tahun lalu diuji setelah gagal mendapat persetujuan menjalin kerja sama dengan Chery Automobile Company. Pasalnya, Toyota, yang kini punya saham di Fuji Heavy Industries, telah punya aliansi di China.

Pemerintah China tak melihat manajemen Fuji Heavy terpisah dari Toyota. Karena itu, kerja sama yang coba dijalin dinilai tidak sesuai dengan regulasi yang telah ditentukan pemerintah setempat.
Merakit kendaraan di China menjadi sangat penting bagi sebagian besar produsen untuk menghindari pajak impor 25 persen. China saat ini menjadi pasar terbesar ketiga Subaru setelah Amerika Serikat dan Jepang. Penjualan tak tumbuh karena hanya bisa memasarkan 57.198 unit tahun lalu, 57.138 unit pada tahun lalu dan 35.348 unit pada 2009.

Penolakan pemerintah China waktu itu dinilai sebagai bencana oleh Subaru. "Dulu kami melihatnya sangat negatif. Kemalangan mereka kini justru jadi nasib baik karena protes Anti-Jepang. Untuk jangka panjang Subaru tetap tidak bisa lepas dari China," tandas Masatoshi Nishimoto, analis dari Automotive di Tokyo.(kpl/bun)